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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!


Fall 2013 Tuition Payment

1. Payment Period :

For the Full time students: Aug. 20 ~ Sep.1, 2013

For the Expat students: Sep. 6 ~ 13, 2013

2. Please print out your tuition bill at the new online service, and pay the fee accordingly.

Each student will receive a personally assigned virtual account number, and they can wire the tuition to their virtual account number.

3. Student can apply for the installment payment for tuition by submitting the application form to the business office from Aug. 20, 2013 to Aug. 31, 2013.

4. Student Loan: It is available onlyfortheKoreanstudents. For more information, please refer to the Korean announcement below.

Fall 2013 Tuition Installment Payment

Those who plan to pay the tuition in installment should fill out the application form and submit to the Business office during the application period from Aug. 20, 2013 - Aug. 31, 2013.

Unless you apply for the installment payment during the announced period, you will be obligated to pay the tuition in full at one time.

First installment payment period: Sep. 6 - 13, 2013

***Tuition installment payment is applicable to the students who are supposed to pay the full tuition in Fall 2013, thus it is NOT applicable to those who are in the Expat program or supposed to pay their tuition by credit.

If you have any further question, please contact to the business office.

2013학년도 가을학기 등록금 납부

1. 등록기간 : 20130820~ 201391

2. 온라인서비스에서 등록금 고지서를 출력하셔서 납부하시기 바랍니다(가상계좌로 입금 가능합니다).

3. 분납신청은 2013820~ 2013831까지 사무처로 신청서를 제출해 주시면 됩니다.

4. 학자금 대출 받을 학생들은 820일 이후 본교 등록기간 안에 "대출실행" 하셔야 합니다.

2013학년도 가을학기 등록금 분납안내

등록금 분납을 원하시는 학생께서는 820일부터 831까지 등록금 분납신청서를 작성하셔서 사무처에 신청하셔야합니다

기간내에 분납신청 하지 않으면 분납하실 수 없습니다.

등록금 분납 1차분 납부기간은 96일부터 913까지입니다.

등록금 전액을 납부하시는 경우에만 분납 신청이 가능합니다.

기타 등록금 관련 궁금한 사항은 본교 사무처에 문의하시기 바랍니다.
