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Fall 2014 - Course Audit Application

Most of Torch Trinity's master's level classes are open to auditors (TTGU students and outside applicant.) If you would like to audit a class, please follow the procedures below.

Application/Payment Period: Aug. 25 ? Sep. 13, 2014

A. Fill out the application form at the Academic/Admissions office. (Form Download)

B. Bring the form to the class you would like to audit, and get the approval of the professor (signature) before the class begins.

C. Hand in the form to the Academic/Admissions office.

D. Pay the fee to the bank account on the application.

? For Audit Students: 90,000KRW/Credit (A 3-credit class will cost 270,000KRW)

? For TTGU graduates & Stop-out Students: 70,000KRW/Credit (A 3-credit class will cost 200,000KRW)

? For TTGU Student: free

To find out what are the classes being offered this spring, please refer to Academic Affairs > Course Schedule menu on your left.
Class Schedule & List

For the semester period and holiday information, please refer to Academic Affairs > Academic Calendar menu.
Academic Calender (2014)

Thank you.

-Academic Office

2014 가을학기 청강신청 안내

본교 석사과정의 수업은 본교 재학생 외부에서 청강이 가능합니다. 청강을 원하시는 분은 아래의 절차를 따라 청강신청하여 주십시오.

신청 등록비 납부기간: 8/25-9/13, 2014

A. 교학처에서 신청서를 작성하여 주십시오. (신청서 다운로드)

B. 청강하기 원하는 수업이 시작하기 전에, 작성한 신청서에 담당 교수님의 서명을 받으십시오.

C. 작성한 신청서를 교학처에 제출하여 주십시오.

D. 신청서에 나와있는 입금계좌로 등록비를 납부하여 주십시오.

? 외부 청강생: 학점당 90,000 (3학점 과목은 270,000)

? 본교