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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!



Spring 2023 Course Withdrawal


1. Course Withdrawal Application Period:

3/23 (Thu) 09:00 - 3/29 (Wed) 17:00


2. Course Withdrawal Guidelines

The student may apply to withdraw the course every 4th week of the semester.

The grade for this course will be recorded as 'W(Withdrawal)' on the transcript which means the course has been withdrawn, but this will not influence the GPA.


3. How to apply

Online Service ( login > Click “Courses” on the left > Click “Course Withdrawal” on the left

Apply by clicking the “Cancel” button next to the course for course withdrawal.

Course withdrawal is completed after professor’s approval.


Contact: 02)570-7369



2023학년도 봄학기 수강철회안내


1. 수강철회 신청기간:
3/23 (
) 09:00 - 3/29 () 17:00


2. 수강철회 안내

학생이 수강중인 과목 중에서 매학기 4주차에 수강철회를 신청할 수 있습니다.

수강철회가 승인된 과목은 성적표에 W(Withdrawal)로 표시되지만, GPA에는 영향을 미치지 않습니다.


3. 신청방법

온라인서비스 ( 로그인 > 좌측 메뉴수강정보클릭 > 하위 메뉴수강철회클릭

수강철회하려는 하는 과목 옆에 수강철회버튼을 눌러 신청합니다.

과목 담당교수가 승인한 뒤 수강철회가 완료됩니다.


문의: 02)570-7369