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Fall 2023 Grade Check Period


*Grade Check & Appeal: Dec 27 (Wed) 10:00 - Dec 28 (Thu) 16:00

*Final Grade Confirmation: Jan 2 (Tue) 10:00 onwards


1. Class Evaluation

Completing the class evaluation is mandatory before checking your semester grades.

Please note that if students haven't completed the class evaluation, they won't be able to check grades until the final grade confirmation.


2. Grade Check

1) Log in to the Online Service at

2) Select the course from the Course List.

3) Click on the "Grade(Evaluation)" menu on the left of the pop-up window.


3. Grade Change Request

1) To request a grade change, close the pop-up window and return to the main page.

2) Select the [Records > Grade Change Request] menu on the left side.

3) Click on the [Add] button on the right side, select the course, and fill out the application form.

* Note that objections to grades can only be raised during the grade check period.


If students have not completed the class evaluation, it is not able to view final grades on the academic record until the end of February.

Please be sure to complete the course evaluation by then.


-Academic Office



2023학년도 가을학기 성적확인 안내


*성적확인  정정요청: 12. 27. () 10:00 - 12. 28. () 16:00

*최종성적확인: 1. 2 () 10:00 이후



이번 학기에 성적확인을 하기 위해서는 수업평가를 완료해야 합니다.

수업평가를 완료하지 않은 경우최종성적확인 전까지 성적을 확인할  없습니다.  


2. 성적확인

1) 먼저 온라인서비스에 로그인합니다. (

2) [나의 강의실]에서 과목을 선택합니다.

3) 팝업창이 열리면 왼쪽 메뉴  “성적(평가)” 메뉴를 클릭하고 성적을 확인합니다.


3. 성적정정 신청

1) 성적정정을 신청하려면 팝업창을 닫고 메인 페이지로 돌아갑니다.

2) 좌측 메뉴  [성적정보 > 성적이의신청 선택합니다.

3) 화면 우측의 [신규입력버튼을 클릭한  과목을 선택하고 신청양식을 작성합니다.

*성적정정 신청은 성적확인 기간 내에만 가능합니다.


*강의평가를 하지 않은 경우, 2월말까지 학적에서 성적조회가 불가하오니 

반드시 강의평가를 완료하여 주시기 바랍니다. 

