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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!


Field Education Report for Fall 2011

MA, ThM and MTS students are to pass "Field Education" 3 times before graduation. Please turn in your report to the Academic/Admissions office for this semester. **Please write the report in the language corresponding to your program (English/Korean).

1. Courses:

GI1010 Field Education I
GI1020 Field Education II
GI1030 Field Education III

2. Passing Grade: P (Pass)

3. Submitting period: Mon. Nov 28 ? Sat. Dec 10

Download "Field Education Report" form and submit it with the signature of 1) Supervisor at the organization you served, 2) Academic Advisor at TTGU, and 3) Your own signature. key=15&code=13

Thank you.

Academic/Admissions Office

2011년도 가을학기 사역실습보고서 제출

MA, ThM MTS 재학생은 졸업 전에 3번의 "Field Education(사역실습)" 과목을 이수하도록 되어있습니다. 이번 학기 사역실습보고서를 아래와 같이 교학처에 제출하여 주십시오.
**소속학위과정의 언어(영어/한국어) 작성하여 주십시오.

1. 과목명:

(K)GI1010 Field Education I
(K)GI1020 Field Education II
(K)GI1030 Field Education III

2. 이수 기준: P (Pass)

3. 제출기간: 11/28() ? 12/10()

홈페이지에서 "Field Education Report" 양식을 다운받아서 작성 , 1) 사역기관 서명, 2) 지도교수 서명, 3) 본인 서명과 함께 교학처에 제출하십시오. key=15&code=13

