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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!


Fall 2012 Class Evaluation & Spring 2013 Pre-registration Period

Mon. Nov. 26 1:00pm - Sat. Dec. 8

1. Class Evaluation

Please finish the class evaluation within the given period.

Class evaluation is a prerequisite for 1) Fall 2012 Grade Check 2) Spring 2013 Pre-registration.

2. Spring 2013 Course Schedule

The schedule will be available on the New Online Service announcement board and on the bulletin boards before pre-registration starts. Please refer to it before registration.

3. Course Registration

Before you register for your courses, you can see which courses you took and which courses you need to take at the New Online Service [Graduation] > [Course Analysis Report].

*Selecting Tracks:

EMDiv 2nd semester students are to select their tracks before they register for classes.

[Records] > [Selecting Track] a Desired Track

4. Registration for courses which have pre-requisite

If you are taking a pre-requisite class this semester, you can register for the next level course after the grades are out during the course add/drop period (Feb. 19, 2013 ? Mar. 4, 2013).

5. MA/MTS/MEd/ThM Students - Field Education (F/E)
These students are required to fulfill a certain number of field education experiences during your studies. Please make sure you register for the field education I-III (GI1010-1030) during the course registration period if you are planning to fulfill the field education in Spring 2013.

*EXPAT students are also required to fulfill Field Education requirements.

Technical Guidelines for Class Evaluation / Course Registration / Syllabi View

Thank you.

Academic/Admissions Office

2012 가을학기 수업평가 & 2013 봄학기 사전수강신청기간

11/26 () 오후 1 ? 12/8 ()

1. 수업평가

반드시 기간 내에 수업평가를 완료하여 주십시오.

수업평가는 1) 2012 가을학기 성적확인 2) 2013 봄학기 사전수강신청을 위한 필수사항입니다.

2. 2013 봄학기 수업시간표

사전수강신청이 시작되기 전에 New Online Service 학교 게시판에 시간표가 게시될 예정입니다. 수강신청을 하시기 전에 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.

3. 수강신청

New Online Service 졸업업무 > 졸업관리 > [Course Analysis Report] 에서 앞으로 어떤 수업을 수강하셔야 하는지 확인 하신 , 수강신청하여 주시기 바랍니다.

* 트랙 선택: 영어 MDiv 과정 3학기 진입생들은 수강정정을 하기에 앞서 자신의 트랙을 선택하여 주시기 바랍니다. [학적업무] > [트랙선택]