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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!


After the end of every semester, professors will post grades on New Online Services. Grading is based on the evaluation methods posted in the syllabus for each class. The following is the school’s grading scale.
Letter Grade Grade Point (GPA) Score
A 4.0 95 - 100
A- 3.7 90 - below 95
B+ 3.3 87 - below 90
B 3.0 84 - below 87
B- 2.7 80 - below 84
C+ 2.3 77 - below 80
C 2.0 74 - below 77
C- 1.7 70 - below 74
D+ 1.3 65 - below 70
D 1.0 60 - below 65
F 0.0 Below 60
P/NP Pass/No Pass (Not calculated in the GPA)
IP In Progress (Only for Thesis/Dissertation)
W Withdrawal (Not calculated in the GPA)
I Incomplete (Not calculated in the GPA
GR Grade Replaced (Not calculated in the GPA)
- The previous grade changes to ‘GR’ when a student retakes a course
Grades for retaken courses will appear as GR. However, grades for thesis/dissertations will not change.
I (Incomplete) grades can be given in the following cases (no. 1-4) with the approval of the Dean of Academic Programs. I grades are limited to cases when a student has attended 3/4 or more classes.
1. Death of grandparents, parents, spouse or parents-in-law, siblings, children
2. Traffic accidents or serious illness which requires hospitalization
3. English PhD program classes
4. Practicum classes of the Christian Counseling Department
5. Pregnancy
I (Incomplete) grades should be changed to a final grade by 2 weeks before the beginning of the next semester . Otherwise, the grade will be finalized as an F (or NP).
Missing more than 1/4 of a course will result in a failing grade. If a student misses 4 or more classes out of the total 15 weeks of classes per semester, he or she will get an F grade.

Absences for the following reasons may be regarded exceptional with a submission of the Report of Absence to the teaching professor. However, if the total number of absences including the following cases comprises 1/3 of the classes or more, the student will fail the class.
1. Death of one’s own or spouse’s [grandparents, parents, siblings], death of spouse or children - up to 1 week
2. Call up for military service - up to 3 days
3. When a student participates in TTGU’s special event with the approval of the Dean of Academic Programs - for the number of days the Dean of Academic Programs approves
4. Natural disaster
5. Traffic Accident, childbirth, hospitalization*, severe illness with doctor’s report or legal communicable disease * In case of hospitalization for childbirth, male students may have up to 5 consecutive days of excused absence within the spouse’s childbirth hospitalization period
1st week absence due to course add/drop etc. are not excused absences