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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!

Job Posting

All Nations Church at San Antonio (ANC-SA) is a Korean-American church located in

San Antonio, Texas. ANCSA education ministry department is seeking a full-time or

half-time youth pastor.  We are looking for someone who is committed to the gospel

message, has passion for the next generation, and has strong relational skills to pastor

the youth of current generation.

ANC-SA belongs to Christian Reformed Church (CRC) denomination.  Youth pastor will

work under the leadership of the senior pastor along with the council team which is

comprised of elder and serving deacons.


 Preaching on Friday and Sunday

 Planning and preparing for summer and winter retreats

 Recruiting and training volunteer staff to serve effectively and grow spiritually

through serving

 Identify and train student leadership to serve and lead in the youth ministry

 Shepherding students by participating in their lives, e.g. graduation, major school

events, etc.

 Active communication with parents and foster culture of family discipleship

 Provide and create materials that will help guide students into spiritual maturity

 Attend staff meeting and summit meetings

 Other duties as needed


 Legally eligible to work in the States

 Div. or attending Seminary

 Must be fluent in English (proficiency in Korean preferred)

 Strong commitment to personal spiritual growth

 Strong relational skill and capacity to work with students and their family

 Must live a personal and public life exemplary of a mature Christian


 Base salary: Full time - $47,000, Half time - $23,500

 Negotiable based on qualifications and experience.

APPLICATION/Required Documents

 Resume


 Personal testimony and vision for youth ministry

 Sample sermons (YouTube or Online link is preferable)

 2 references (1 senior pastoral and 1 personal)

Please submit all documents to

텍사스 샌안토니오 지역에 위치한 샌안토니오 ANC 온누리 교회에서는 Youth 사역을

담당할 목회자 한 분을 청빙합니다.


 미국내 체류 및 취업에 결격 사유가 없으신 분

 정규신학교 졸업 혹은 재학중인자

 영어 능통자 (이중언어 선호)

 청소년 사역에 열정이 있으신 분.


  금요예배 및 주일예배

 주중모임(또는 성경공부) 진행

 수련회 및 교육부 1년 행사 계획 및 진행

 사역자 회의 참석


 이력서(중고등부 사역과 교회사역 중심)

 사역 비전및 신앙간증 (가족 소개)

  Youth설교 동영상(웹사이트 링크) 또는 음성 파일

 추천서 2 부 (1 senior pastoral and 1 personal)

기본 사례비:

 Full time - $47,000

 Half time - $23,500

 경력을 고려해서 협의 후 조절 가능

제출처: (제출서류를 이메일로 첨부하면 됩니다.)


All Nations Church San Antonio (
Senior Pastor Daniel H. Park