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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!




1) To those of you who have ordered textbooks for Fall 2010

We have notified that a prepayment of 10,000 won per each of the book you order will be required starting from the book order for next semester. (ex. Ordered 4 books a 40,000 won)

Please make the payment till Sun, June 20. The bookstore will order books and give discounts only to those who pay the prepayment by this date. No later than that.


*How to pay:

a. Visiting the bookstore and paying (only cash)

b. Wiring to the bank account

Wiring Bank: Woori Bank 1005-800-967502

Account Holder: ㈜크리스천온오프

*Please wire the fee by your student ID number.


2) To those who would like to order textbooks for Fall 2010

If you have missed the first registration period, you can order the textbooks through the online service until 3pm Wednesday June 16. (Please go to [Courses]-[Textbook Order].)

Also, you will need to pay the prepayment of 10,000won per each of the book you order until Sunday June 20. Only after the payment your order will be confirmed. For the deadline and the paying method, please refer to the contents above.


3) Fall 2010 additional Add/Drop period


Tue. June 29 ~ Sat. July 3:???? ????? ?2nd Course Registration Period?

Mon. August 16 ~ Sat. August 28:???Add/Drop Period

?????????????????-?Independent Study Application is also during this period

(First day of class: August 23)




2010 가을학기 교과서 주문 및 추가 수강신청 일정



1) 2010학년도 가을학기 교과서를 이미 주문하신 경우

이제부터는 교과서 주문 시 각 권당 1만원의 선납금을 납부하셔야 하는 것에 대해 공지를 해드렸습니다. (: 4권 주문하신 경우 선납금 4만원)

선납금 납부를 6 20(일요일)까지 완료해주시기 바랍니다. 서점에서는 이 시점까지 선납금을 납부하신 학생들에게만 할인혜택을 적용하여 교과서를 주문해드릴 수 있습니다. 기간을 꼭 지켜주시기 바랍니다.
